I have always believed that beauty comes from within and I do my very best to teach my daughter this as well. How our skin looks and feels has a lot to do with what we put into our...
"This soup is my new obsession! It was so good and I love that it's nondairy with high-quality ingredients. Even my 11-month-old baby loved it!" - Deanne Goodman Gustafson, San Diego Moms Blog Contributor "It's quick, yummy and filling! Healthy...
Southern California winters are nothing like anywhere else in the world, but these last few weeks have been a lot colder than usual. Colder weather, even in San Diego, means drier skin, so I thought I’d share a few...
This post first appeared on the Gainesville, FL Moms Blog here. I remember the first time I felt anxious as a child. My cousin, who was a more mature peer, talked me into watching a movie called, “Arachnophobia.” Do you...
Southern California residents have endured extreme weather incidents such as wildfires and floods in recent years, and experts predict the trend will continue. The record rain last winter resulted in an explosion of new vegetation. When the vegetation dries out...
The flu season has hit our family hard this year. I feel like every time my daughter Kaialani gets well, she then immediately brings home a new cold. Managing her fever and flu symptoms with Tylenol is a standard...
“You need to really see someone about your anxiety and depression.”  I was seeing my doctor for my yearly physical, and he was a new doctor for me. He was a man that resembled my grandfather - short and stout,...
An important note: None of the information below is a substitute for information and guidance from your own doctor, therapist, or specialist. Everyone is different, and while mindfulness can be helpful for a number of reasons, it will not...
On September 11, 2019 the President signaled that his administration would work to curb e-cigarette use after a seventh person died from lung disease related to vaping. The seven deaths plus the hundreds of patients who have been identified...
When my toddler gets very upset, she stops breathing and passes out. Our pediatrician says these are breath-holding spells and they’re nothing to worry about. These episodes don’t last long but they’re very upsetting. Why is this happening to...
As a local mama looking to save money, maintain a healthy weight and be more earth-friendly, Smart & Final was the perfect choice for me! We've teamed up with them to educate everyone on the importance of continuing family...
Adventure. Just the word brings to mind visions of daring explorers, mysterious caverns, hidden treasures, and trolloping through the wild wonder.  It’s rare, however, that we get to live out real life versions of the Goonies or Swiss Family Robinson....

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In + Around San Diego

Top 15 Places to get an Acai Bowl in San Diego...

Here are the Top 15 Places to get an Acai Bowl in San Diego for 2024! Because on a warm sunny day, there's nothing quite...