This year July 4th is on a Tuesday. These are all the locations in San Diego that we can find with planned fireworks for 2017! If we missed any, let us know!     Sea World launches their fireworks display around 9:40....
These important life lessons are not to be overlooked for the safety of your children. Talk to them about it, and talk to them often!

Motherhood with Depression

Chances are when you see the words depression and motherhood together you think of postpartum depression. While postpartum depression is devastating, (I’ve been there, I know) often the storm doesn't end there. My official diagnosis is bipolar 2 disorder and generalized anxiety...
I always thought Gymboree was a creative space focused on learning with classes for little ones. BOY, was I wrong! Each site offers an array of events. From holiday event activities like egg hunts and Halloween to mommy night events...
I remember quite clearly when I sent my kids off to their first day of kindergarten... The clothes my daughter so carefully selected for her first day.  The clothes my son so randomly threw on. The cute little backpacks and lunchboxes...
Time for a MUCH-NEEDED School Resource Guide! Especially in San Diego!  With so many great choices from public school to private, religious to charter, online or homeschooling, San Diego Mom's Blog wants to help.  Choosing your child’s school is one...
I want to hear from my fellow moms: Who made a resolution or resolutions for 2019? Now that we're a couple of weeks in, how is it going for you? No Resolutions for 2019 I have to admit—part of my reasoning...
With rent rates and mortgages continuing to climb in San Diego County, it's no wonder many families are choosing to make the trek up the I-15 in search of good schools, a little space, and the opportunity to settle...

Sports Camps

When school's out, camp's in! Keep your child active and engaged during school breaks in the spring, summer, fall, and winter. Sports camps provide fun ways for kids to strengthen their bodies and minds through physical activities, critical thinking...
A few weeks ago, I wrote this post as my family entered the newest season in our lives: Extracurricular activities. If you can't already tell, I was apprehensive about how busy our lives were about to get and whether...
At some point in the parenting journey, we have to prepare for "the talk." Girls and boys begin to realize that they have different parts. Those parts have different functions. And some of them need to be kept private....
Make A Difference Day is an all encompassing national day dedicated to helping others - a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place, this Saturday, October 26th and is one of...

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In + Around San Diego

Top 5 Reasons New & Expecting Moms Should Attend BLOOM on...

We are SO excited for our annual BLOOM event on Saturday, April 20th from 10am-2pm at Joya Kitchen. Bloom is designed specifically for new...