Are you currently expecting a baby? Have you had a baby within the past year? Are you planning to grow your family soon? Then BLOOM is definitely for you! You won’t want to miss Bloom â€“ a national event for new and expecting...
Throw on your comfy PJ's, per-FECT that messy bun and let's talk COFFEE!!! Whether you're a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a running errands kind of mom, a sports mom, a wine-y mom, a just-trying-to-catch-my-breath kind of mom, we...
Saving money while shopping... that means coupons, right? Leafing through junk mail to look for a brand that you actually like and savings that actually make it worth cutting out and saving a coupon... Good luck, if you're like me...
Another mom and I were talking after after dropping our kids off at school a few weeks ago. We were lamenting the difficulties with remembering all the homework and various projects required of our 1st graders. Another mom was passing by...
Every person I know, especially every mom, is constantly working on balance.   My son Isaac, who I love and fight so hard for, is alive.   At seven years of age, he defied the curse cast over his life, the disease which...
The decision to stop using hair dye on one’s graying hair consists of many factors - or maybe just one. Some might not want the expense, some might cite vanity as the reason, some might feel it necessary to...
summer camp

Summer Camp Guide 2018

Whether you want it to be or not, Summer is right around the corner! It's time to start planning ahead for your kiddos and what they will be doing to keep themselves busy this Summer. We have so many...
I am the person who always says yes. Host girls night? Yes! Help plan a new program at school? Yes! Take on an extra project at work? Yes! Have a playdate even though I should grocery shop and prepare...
Dedicated to D, H, L and E  I have a lot of friends. 394 Facebook friends to be exact. Ok that’s really not that many. Some of you have fewer, and some of you have way more. Some you see on...
The benefits of enrolling your child in a dance or gymnastics class are increased balance and grace, core strength, body control, rhythm, discipline, conditioning (athletic training), and increased athletic skills. (just to name a few!) Dance and gymnastics aren't just...
traditional camps

Traditional Camps

What do you see when you picture the "traditional" kids summer camp? A setting in sunny woods perhaps, with hiking, canoeing, and s'mores around campfires? The fact is that the definition of a traditional summer camp for kids is changing; with...
After months spent inside the classroom, are your children yearning for a breath of fresh air? Here is a roundup of some of the top summer camps right here in San Diego. They can help your children get in...

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In + Around San Diego

Tips for Staying Connected During a Natural Disaster

Historically, California's fire season lasted from May through October, but many experts suggest that the fire season in California is now year-round. Unfortunately, it...