There is no shortage of hospital bag lists on Pinterest and blogs. After comparing several and seeing many of the same items on the “must bring” lists, I packed my hospital bag 5 weeks in advance of my due...
I love my job. I'm a doula. I get to support mothers and fathers during a very special time of their lives. I get to watch their joy, and be with families during the birth of their child. That is...
Mom guilt. If you are a mom or even if you are trying to become a mom, then you know what I am talking about. For me, my mom guilt started way before my daughter was even born. Every...
I always had a feeling I wanted to be a mother. Those motherly instincts came naturally to me and I found myself imagining my children even at a young age. So it was no surprise I had my first...
Tiger mom,   You're out running errands day to day, Not giving a thought to what others say. Whether under your clothes they are staying to hide, Or out there in the world- we are by your side.   Like a boss you wear that teeny bikini, With your...
Before I became pregnant I had never heard the word “doula,” but once I was expecting I was frequently asked if I’d be hiring one. DOULA: a woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth and who may...
I don't know about you ladies, but I am really looking forward to fall. This heat has been getting to me lately and I am ready to cuddle up with blankets, scarves and sweaters. (Yes, I know we live...
As our youngest baby turned 2 years old, the conversation with my husband seemed to open up about wanting another baby. Was the timing right? Was it the right fit for our family? I thought about all of these things...
My infertility story is best summed up by one word: denial. I had to face that denial when I was 28. My husband and I decided that we needed to see a specialist to find out what was keeping...
Two years ago I had the honor of meeting one of the sweetest, most loving, cute, incredible, strong and down right most amazing human beings. Our meeting didn’t go quite as planned, but the second I saw her I...
  First thing that comes to mind at a baby shower is a diaper, right? You can't escape it! Usually each guest is requested to bring a packet of diapers for the honored mommy-to-be in hopes to set her up the...
A little thing about me, I have ALWAYS been an animal lover! I've fostered and adopted countless numbers of little pet companions. In fact my first furry kid was literally a from the street rescue. But, after 15 wonderful years, he...

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In + Around San Diego

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer

Join San Diego Moms for a special happy hour with a purpose! 🎉 On Tuesday, February 11th, from 4–6 PM at The Original 40 Brewing Company in North Park, we’re bringing...