Six Healthy Habits that Stop Germs {Sponsored}

This is a Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG) Sponsored Post.

cpcmgGood health habits are more important than ever before!

Thankfully, our partners at Children’s Primary Care Medical Group are one step ahead of the game. Check out this list of six habits to keep your family healthy and help stop the spreads of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses:

  1. Avoid close contact.
    Stay away from people who are sick and when you are sick, keep your distance from others…which leads to our second tip:
  2. Stay home when you are sick.
    Make every effort to keep the kids home from school and stay home from work when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
  3. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
    If you don’t have a tissue handy, cough or sneeze into the corner of your arm. Demonstrate this technique to your children so they know how to cough and sneeze without spreading germs.
  4. Wash your hands.
    Keeping your hands clean will help protect you from germs. If you can’t get to a sink with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Be sure your children know proper handwashing techniques (insert link to a resource here).
  5. Clean your living environments regularly.
    Be sure to regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home and work. This could include countertops, bathrooms, tables and desks. This is especially important when someone is sick.
  6. Take care of yourself and your family!
    Make sure you and your family are getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy meals. Keep everyone hydrated by drinking water regularly.

Thanks Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG) for sharing this with us! Find the best primary pediatric healthcare close to home with the region’s only health network focused solely on children, their health and well-being!


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