National Taco Day


Guys I LOVE tacos and I could easily write about them all the time. So I am beside myself that October 4, 2019 is National Taco Day and I get to have tacos twice in one week. Well since we are being honest, I can have tacos every single day!!

Since you already know that I am from the country of México, then you must know that I live for tacos, I love them all. Fish tacos, carne asada tacos, tacos de tripas, al pastor tacos, ground beef tacos… guys I am now hungry!!

Tacos are perfect for when people come over (unexpectedly) and all you have is leftovers. Girl, just pull out the tortillas, the salsa you saved in the freezer from the taco shop, chop some onions, cilantro, tomatoes, and warm up whatever left overs you have and tell them you were about to have Build-Your-Own Tacos for dinner. Your guest will leave thinking you are the best cook ever. I did that once but all I had was the left over mole with NO meat (Mole with no meat?). So I made mole tacos with cheese inside. My guest thought that they had died and gone to mole heaven.

3 tacos on a plateThe taco is the perfect meal, even if you are on a diet. You have your tortilla filled with whatever meat you want, add your vegetables (depending on the taco, cilantro, onions, tomatoes) and the salsa. A taco is not a taco without a good salsa. Yum—the perfect explosion in your mouth.

Let me share with you some, not all, of my favorite type of tacos:


Tacos al Pastor is the most universal taco but they are mainly famous in Mexico City. Tacos al Pastor are made out of pork marinated in adobo, which is a very special sauce, and each taco stand has their own version of it.


They originate from the ancient Aztecs and the state famous for them is the state of Michoacán, Mexico. This is another pork recipe, and the perfect carnitas taco has a little bit of everything from the pork. Carnitas, buche, cuerito, chicharrón. The perfect carnitas taco consist of the tortilla, carnitas, cilantro, onion, lime and the perfect salsa. Carnitas are mostly cooked in copper pots and pans so as you can imagine, it’s a specialty. My mouth waters just thinking about it. So if you ever travel to Uruapan Michoacán, you must have carnitas or just go to your local mexican market. 


These the best tacos ever!!!! You can never go wrong with carne asada tacos. If you travel down south to the Mexican border and cross to Tijuana you will find the BEST taco stands ever. If you ever want to marinate your own, just buy the meat, marinate with oranges, lemons, onions, cilantro and salt, and let it sit for a few hours, OK a couple of hours if that is all you have, and get yourself some avocados to make your own guacamole and wow!!!! You will be queen bee for the night.

man cutting meat for national taco daySo if you don’t want to cook tonight, just head down to your favorite taco place and and celebrate National Taco Day.

If you want tips on how to have your own taco night, comment which tacos you’d like recipes for or even your favorite salsa! ?


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