San Diego Moms Blog is excited to announce our 4th Annual Pre-Fathers Day Photo Shoot on Sunday, June 9th from 12:30pm-5pm at Green Flash Brewing Co. This year we have decided to break up the event into 2 (2-hour)...
During the day I am a mom to 4 kids, and a great wife to my husband, if I do say so myself! I am the chef, the housekeeper, queen of the DVR, homeworker helper, and I play so...
Corporate Culture and Parenting in the US I had always wanted to be a young parent. I planned on having my first kid at 23 and my second one at 26. In my head I thought it would be the...
My parents divorced when I was eight years old. When I was given the opportunity to work in Family Law, not only did I learn quickly about the process, but I drew from my personal experience to help our...
My husband and I tend to catch a lot of grief and strange stares from others about our decision to not allow our 16-year-old to date until the age of 18. We've even had people laugh in our faces...
Dear "Other Woman,"  I need to come to forgiveness, not for you, not for him, but for Me.  I realize, my husband and I can not begin to rebuild our future without letting go of the past- the past you had with...
Since becoming a mother, I have noticed that there seems to be a stereotype that all fathers aren’t putting in as much effort as all mothers do. For example, the standard response when a dad changes a diaper seems...
Life is so chaotic at times, and it seems like the more time passes, the quicker life flies by. With social media constantly on our phones, the television on at dinner time and the news on first thing in...
Finding your true love Marriage is hard. It's one of the hardest things to succeed and thrive at in life. You're (hopefully) raised to be an independent thinker. To take care of yourself and stand up for yourself. And then...
My oldest daughter has two dads, she always talks about how lucky she is to have two. She has her dad- her biological dad, and my husband- her step dad. In today's world this isn't an uncommon thing. In fact it's...

Victim Shaming is Real.

People wonder why victims, whether it being domestic violence or sexual assault, don't come forward when the incident occurs. Well, let me tell you: There are a million reasons! Each victim has their own reasons. BUT, I can speak...
Dear Alcohol, I've thought about this letter long and hard, not knowing where to begin, but knowing I must write. I write because it's how I process and this letter to you is a gift of truth to myself. You...

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In + Around San Diego

Top 15 Places to get an Acai Bowl in San Diego...

Here are the Top 15 Places to get an Acai Bowl in San Diego for 2024! Because on a warm sunny day, there's nothing quite...